Welcome to ABATherapists.com - a site dedicated to information on autism and autism therapy.
When I started becoming interested in ABA therapy approximately 8 years ago, it was really difficult to find good and current information on autism. After years of learning the principles of ABA, I now find it necessary to provide information to other individuals on autism treatments. As well, I hope this site will be useful to new therapists interested in learning the basics of ABA therapy as well as gather some information on reinforcing stimuli.
On this site you can find some of my research about information on autism. I'm primarily interested in ABA therapy, but of course I'm always open to any new findings/suggestions about autism treatments.
I am always in the process of gathering and publishing more quality information on autism for parents and therapists. I hope you find my aba therapy articles informative and useful.
You can set up your own blog on this site and contribute by providing information on autism and autism therapy. Or you join and post a topic.
If you have any questions or comments, just join our community and dig in.
To all parents and potential therapists you can find a wide variety of great toys, reinforcers and other unique items at: